
Homemade snacks and treats (for kids)

My daughter, Stella, is 4½ and she is already eagerly awaiting her 5th birthday (party) in April.  On Friday last week I went to pick her up from kindergarten and when I arrived she was sitting on the mat with her classmates listening to her teacher explain how it was Jonah’s 5th birthday and he

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The art of finding balance

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while you may recall my New Year’s resolution to schedule active relaxation into my life, and my plan to practice daily yoga for my physical and mental well being.  Well, it’s now Labour weekend, I haven’t done any yoga since sometime in February, and I have just returned

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My zero waste aspirations

‘Zero waste’ is a new attitude towards environmentalism that is growing fast in popularity and momentum. I find it seriously inspiring, if not a little bit daunting – the idea that you can live a fulfilling, ethical life leaving only a minimal amount of waste in your wake, without having to forsake convenience, productivity, or

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My obsession with food

Last week I learned a new word.  I had never come across it before and yet it popped up twice in two days, in two completely different pieces of writing.  My New Roots is a healthy food & lifestyle blog I recently discovered and have started to follow.  In her latest post the author, Sarah,

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Homemade iron tonic

This blog post is a follow-up to one I published a few months’ ago called, “On being a woman, period.”  I wrote about how I decided to try addressing my iron deficiency issues and menorrhagia through diet and lifestyle in an attempt to balance my hormones, before resorting to synthetic iron supplements, prescription medicines, or

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Homemade hazelnut mylk

It’s been 6 months since I wrote about how, and why, I quit milk.  I’ve actually ended up eschewing dairy completely, except for the odd restaurant or takeaway curry.  Oh, and I still occasionally buy a wedge of Castello cheese – there will always be a place in my stomach for Castello cheese!  Given that

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Easy fermented radishes

The past couple of weeks have passed by in a total blur, as we have sold our house in Hamilton East, moved ourselves across town to my father-in-law’s house, and then discovered that we (and he) have FAR too much stuff that we really don’t need.  When there’s not enough room, something’s got to go,

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Living without plastic

My family and I have been consciously avoiding plastic for about two years now.  This is no mean feat, as plastic is about as ubiquitous as water these days, and I am well aware that in spite of our best efforts we are still surrounded by it in our home – our plastic fridge, our

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Living the dream

You may or may not have noticed that things have gone a bit quiet over here in Mrs Goodness land lately. That’s because we have been busy with the process of selling our house. The past 8 weeks have been an exhausting whirlwind of cleaning and fixing, open homes, an unsuccessful auction, negotiations, and a

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Why we filter our water

Last night, I can’t even remember how it all started, but I ended up in a heated argument at the dinner table with my father-in-law.  I do love and greatly respect my father-in-law but as similar as we are, we have very, VERY different views on some things.  This particular disagreement was about our differing

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