Last week a very good mummy-friend of mine asked me why I choose to use glass to store our food in, over durable, effective plastic storage solutions such as Tupperware. It was very brave of her to ask me this, as all my friends know I can chew their ears off when I get talking
Homemade hummus, made from scratch
For my first post this Plastic-Free July, I’ve decided I’ll share with you how I make hummus from scratch. This is something I’m doing about once a week these days, as my little boy is OBSESSED with it! He’s not really talking yet, so he just squeals and points to indicate that me spreading the
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Grandparents and sweets
The other night at dinner, Stella snitched on her Poppy (my father-in-law). My husband laughed and explained that his father had snuck her a licorice lolly, whispering “Don’t tell Daddy!” with a wink. I rolled my eyes at my husband and said to Stella, “Well, aren’t you lucky! What a treat!” and let it go.
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Why you should make mayonnaise at home
In preparing for this post I had such fun making this little instructional video with my talented and super-generous friends Holly and Murdoch (of One Man Crew). We decided a mini-instructable was the absolute best way to demonstrate that, unless you need enough to feed a village in one sitting, you really need never buy mayonnaise again! Fresh mayonnaise is so quick and
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Plastic-free water
One of the first commonly used items we switched away from plastic was our water bottles. Plastic is an enduringly popular choice for drink bottles, despite health risks, because it’s cheap and just plain practical. There is no denying that silicone covered glass or stainless steel water bottles are significantly more expensive than plastic bottles,
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Plastic-free fruit and vegetables
Growing up, I only ever recall storing our vegetables in the plastic bins at the bottom of the fridge. Now that we don’t use them anymore I have to say that I found them so irritating! Like cutlery drawers, those vege drawers would always fill up with debris that I just never got around to cleaning
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Milk kefir – what it is and what you can do with it
My family has been making and enjoying milk kefir for about two years now. It was the second homemade fermented food we tried, after yoghurt. I found homemade yoghurt too time consuming and too fussy to prepare for my liking, and although it was fun and rewarding at first, I got tired of the heating,
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How to organise an eco-friendly laundry
When it comes to dangerous chemicals, whether you’re eco-friendly or not, the laundry must be the hub of the house (well, perhaps excepting the garage). We have only just recently attached child-proofing gadgets to our kitchen cupboards, as little Daniel is very inquisitive and likes to go digging around in any little nook and cranny below waist height.
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Homemade lotions and potions
I now make all our toiletries myself. By toiletries, I mean lotions and potions like face cream, body cream, deodorant, insect repellent, sun screen, and nappy balm (we call it bum balm!). While there are many commercially made eco-friendly, cruelty-free products available these days, I don’t buy them because in general, I find them hideously
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