The past couple of weeks have passed by in a total blur, as we have sold our house in Hamilton East, moved ourselves across town to my father-in-law’s house, and then discovered that we (and he) have FAR too much stuff that we really don’t need. When there’s not enough room, something’s got to go,
Good Food
Seedy crackers
After many gentle reminders, here is a recipe I’ve been promising to friends for ages! Everyone who tries these crackers loves them, whether they’re accompanied by my homemade hummus or some creamy Castello cheese (a dairy product our mostly dairy-free family just can’t resist!). Almost as important as the flavour and texture are the ingredients
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Good Food
Mrs Goodness’ gluten-free sourdough bread
Late last year I decided to switch to a gluten-free lifestyle to see if I could improve my health through my diet. Well actually, it was more about eschewing wheat in particular, rather than about me believing I’m an undiagnosed coeliac or thinking that I have a gluten intolerance. It seems to me that wheat is
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Good Food
Lacto-fermented porridge
We have the same breakfast without fail every single morning. There have been a couple of times when we’ve tried to jazz things up and eat something different like toast and eggs for breakfast, but pretty much the next day we would always go back to eating our firm family favourite: lacto-fermented porridge! And then
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Homemade sunscreen
When I was a kid, I don’t recall ever using sunscreen (although perhaps that’s just my flawed memory). What I do remember is lying out on the lawn as a young teenager with a bottle of Johnson&Johnson’s baby oil (shudder…) slathering it over my skin in the hope of getting a quick bronze tan. I
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Sourdough pancakes are good for you!
If you’ve had a go at sourdough or have taken an interest in it already, you will know that a sourdough starter, as a living, growing thing, needs to be used regularly, so that you have a reason to continue feeding it with fresh flour and water daily (or a little less frequently if you
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Easy-peasy Sourdough Bread
I’m excited to share with you my recipe for easy-peasy homemade sourdough bread this week. Just in case you weren’t waiting for it, this post follows on from my last, Why We Switched To Sourdough. Because we’d been baking fresh bread in our bread maker for a few years before I decided to try sourdough,
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Coconut oil – why I love it and how I use it
Coconut oil is fast becoming about as much of a “super-oil” as olive oil did when I was a teen. I remember when my mum started buying olive oil for cooking, because it was proclaimed to be the healthiest oil you could possibly cook with. Mum used it for everything: stir-frying, baking, roasting, dressings… Everything. Well,
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Mummy’s Milo
Growing up, I guess I always took it for granted that Milo was made in New Zealand. I’m not quite sure why; I suppose it was my own ignorance …or clever advertising by NestlΓ© helped me to form that wrong assumption. Well anyway, that was my understanding well into adulthood, so that when I left home (after
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